sâmbătă, 17 ianuarie 2009


The fearsome death knight, World of Warcraft's first Hero class, is not your average adventurer seeking to prove his or her worth on Azeroth's fields of battle. No longer servants of the Lich King, they begin their new calling as experienced, formidable adversaries, heavily armed and armored and possessing an arsenal of deadly and forbidden magic learned in the Lich King's thrall. To create a Death Knight you must have one character on your current realm that is level 55 or above.

Summoned Creatures
Creating minions from the ranks of the unliving is a core ability of the death knight.
Raise Dead: The death knight can raise a ghoul companion from the corpses of fallen creatures, as well as those of both friendly and enemy players. If cast on a friendly player, that player will have the opportunity to actually play as the ghoul, controlling its movements and actions.
Army of the Dead: This channeled spell raises a group of undead followers who will attack the death knight’s enemies but only exist very briefly before disintegrating.
Summon Deathcharger: Every death knight can summon the level-40 version of a deathcharger land mount. At higher levels, they can complete a quest to learn the epic version.

Improved Icy TouchRank: 0/3Your Icy Touch does an additional 10% damage and your Frost Fever reduces melee attack speed by an additional 2%.

Glacier RotRank: 0/2Diseased enemies take 5% more damage from your Icy Touch, Howling Blast and Frost Strike spells.

ToughnessRank: 0/5Increases your armor value from items by 3% and reduces the duration of all movement slowing effects by 10%.

Icy ReachRank: 0/2Requires 5 points in Frost TalentsIncreases the range of your Icy Touch, Chains of Ice and Howling Blast by 5 yards.Left Click to Learn

Black IceRank: 0/5Requires 5 points in Frost TalentsIncreases your Frost and Shadow spell damage by 3%.

0/3 Nerves of Cold SteelRank: 0/3Requires 5 points in Frost TalentsIncreases your chance to hit with a one-handed melee weapon by 1% and increases the damage done by your offhand weapon by 5%.

Icy TalonsRank: 0/5Requires 3 points in Improved Icy TouchRequires 10 points in Frost TalentsYou leech heat from victims of your Frost Fever, so that when their melee speed is reduced, yours increases by 4% for for the next 20 sec.

LichborneRank: 0/1Requires 10 points in Frost TalentsInstant3 min cooldownDraw upon unholy energy to become undead for 15 sec. While undead, you are immune to Charm, Fear and Sleep effects, and your horrifying visage causes melee attacks to have an additional 25% chance to miss you.

AnnihilationRank: 0/3Requires 10 points in Frost TalentsIncreases the critical strike chance of your melee special abilities by 1%. In addition, there is a 30% chance that your Obliterate will do its damage without consuming diseases.

Runic Power MasteryRank: 0/3Requires 15 points in Frost TalentsIncreases your maximum Runic Power by 10.

Killing MachineRank: 0/5Requires 15 points in Frost TalentsAfter landing a critical strike from an autoattack, there is a 20% chance your next Icy Touch, Howling Blast or Frost Strike will be a critical strike.

Frigid DreadplateRank: 0/3Requires 20 points in Frost TalentsEnemies who hit you in melee have a 30% chance to become unsettled, decreasing their chance to hit for 5% for the next 12 sec.

Chill of the GraveRank: 0/2Requires 20 points in Frost TalentsYour Icy Touch, Chains of Ice and Howling Blast generate 50% additional runic power.

DeathchillRank: 0/1Requires 20 points in Frost TalentsInstant2 min cooldownWhen activated, makes your next Icy Touch, Howling Blast, Frost Strike or Obliterate spell or ability a critical hit, if cast within 6 sec.

Improved Icy TalonsRank: 0/1Requires 5 points in Icy TalonsRequires 25 points in Frost TalentsYour Icy Talons effect increases the melee speed of the entire raid by 20% for the next 20 sec.
Merciless CombatRank: 0/2Requires 25 points in Frost TalentsYour Icy Touch, Howling Blast, Obliterate and Frost Strike do an additional 10% damage when striking targets with less than 35% health.

RimeRank: 0/3Requires 25 points in Frost TalentsIncreases the critical strike chance of your Icy Touch and Obliterate by 5% and casting Icy Touch has a 5% chance to cause your next Howling Blast to consume no runes.
Endless WinterRank: 0/2Requires 25 points in Frost TalentsYour Chains of Ice has a 50% chance to cause Frost Fever and the cost of your Mind Freeze is reduced to 10 runic power.

Howling BlastRank: 0/1Requires 30 points in Frost Talents1 Unholy 1 Frost20 yd rangeInstant6 sec cooldownBlast the target with a frigid wind dealing 223 to 241 Frost damage to all enemies within 10 yards. Deals double damage to targets infected with Frost Fever.
Frost AuraRank: 0/2Requires 30 points in Frost TalentsAll party or raid members within 45 yards of the Death Knight gain 40 spell resistance.

ChilblainsRank: 0/3Requires 2 points in Endless WinterRequires 30 points in Frost TalentsVictims of your Frost Fever disease are Chilled, reducing movement speed by 10% for 6 sec.

Blood of the NorthRank: 0/5Requires 35 points in Frost TalentsIncreases Blood Strike damage by 3%. In addition, whenever you hit with a Blood Strike or Pestilence there is a 20% chance that the Blood Rune will become a Death Rune when it activates.

Unbreakable ArmorRank: 0/1Requires 35 points in Frost Talents1 FrostInstant1 min cooldownIncreases your armor by 25%, your total Strength by 10% and your Parry chance by 5% for 20 sec.

AcclimationRank: 0/3Requires 40 points in Frost TalentsWhen you are hit by a spell, you have a 10% chance to boost your party's resistance to that type of magic for 18 sec. Stacks up to 3 times.

Frost StrikeRank: 0/1Requires 40 points in Frost Talents40 Runic PowerMelee RangeInstantRequires Melee WeaponInstantly strike the enemy, causing 100% weapon damage plus 6 as Frost damage.
Guile of GorefiendRank: 0/3Requires 40 points in Frost TalentsIncreases the critical strike damage bonus of your Blood Strike, Obliterate, Rune Strike, and Frost Strike abilities by 15%, and increases the duration of your Icebound Fortitude by 2 sec.

Tundra StalkerRank: 0/5Requires 45 points in Frost TalentsYour spells and abilities deal 2% more damage to targets with Frost Fever.

Hungering ColdRank: 0/1Requires 50 points in Frost Talents60 Runic PowerInstant1 min cooldownPurges the earth around the Death Knight of all heat. Enemies within 10 yards are trapped in ice, preventing them from performing any action for 10 sec and infecting them with Frost Fever. Enemies are considered Frozen, but any damage other than diseases will break the ice.
THESE ARE DK's Frost Talents

duminică, 30 martie 2008

Fury of the sunwell:Last patch:2.4

Fury of the Sunweel:2.4

Brace yourself for the Fury of the Sunwell, the next content patch for World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade. You have traveled through the Dark Portal and braved the perils of Outland; you faced off against the might of the Burning Legion itself, and you prevailed. Now the journey that began with the arrival of the draenei on Azeroth and the blood elves' inclusion into the Horde is about to come full circle as a mighty army gathers to purge evil from one of Azeroth's most important loci of power: the ancient, magical Sunwell.
Explore the mystical grounds of the new 5-person dungeon, Magisters' Terrace, where one of the Burning Crusade's most notorious villains is preparing to make his desperate last stand. Lead your raid group straight into the heart of the Sunwell Plateau to confront the most terrifying and deadly agents of the Burning Legion. But beware, for your enemies will not go down without a fight. Expect the demons to send in their most ferocious, brutal, and powerful officers. Your greatest challenge yet awaits.
The new dungeon and raid content is not the only new addition of this upcoming patch. More than a dozen new daily quests will provide fresh new challenges, and a brand-new faction stands ready to reward you for your bravery and commitment. The call goes out to the strongest, most cunning, and bravest heroes to join the Shattered Sun Offensive in the battle to reclaim the Sunwell.

Wrath of the lich king

Chapter 1
The Curse of Ner'zhul
The elder shaman Ner'zhul was once among the greatest spiritual leaders of the orcs. Deceived by the demon Kil'jaeden, he set in motion the events that led to the orcs' corruption and the creation of the bloodthirsty Horde. Yet ultimately Ner'zhul refused to give his people fully to the demonic ranks of the Burning Legion.
The demon lord Kil'jaeden punished Ner'zhul for his defiance, destroying his aging body and torturing his spirit. The demon then offered Ner'zhul a final ultimatum: serve the Legion unconditionally or suffer eternal agony. With little other choice, Ner'zhul pledged to obey Kil'jaeden and was reborn as a terrifying and vastly powerful agent of the Legion – the Lich King.
Ner'zhul's spirit was magically shackled to a suit of ancient armor and bound to the mighty runeblade Frostmourne. To ensure Ner'zhul's obedience, Kil'jaeden sealed the armor and blade within a specially crafted block of ice collected from the far reaches of the Twisting Nether. This frozen crystal was then cast into the ripe and unsuspecting world of Azeroth, settling in the desolate, snowy wastes of Northrend.
Among the abilities bestowed upon the Lich King was lordship over death itself. From within his Frozen Throne, Ner'zhul summoned a number of undead to serve him and tested his army against the nerubians of Azjol-Nerub and their mighty spiderlord, Anub'arak. Although the War of the Spider raged for years, many nerubians who fell in battle quickly became bound to the Lich King's iron will. Anub'arak himself was eventually ambushed and slain, rising again to join Ner'zhul's ranks as a fearsome crypt lord.
The Lich King appeared to be faithfully serving his master, but he had in fact hatched a cunning and subversive plan. To that end, he created a small fissure in his prison, pushed Frostmourne through it, and directed his minions to carry the runeblade away from the Frozen Throne. Ner'zhul intended to use the sword as bait for a mighty champion: a loyal subject who would free him and serve as a vessel for his restless spirit. While Frostmourne was positioned to serve its future purpose, the Lich King dutifully proceeded with his demon master's true agenda...
Since arriving on Azeroth, the Lich King had been formulating an insidious plague of undeath, a terrifying disease meant to annihilate humanity and create an army faithful to the Burning Legion. To expedite the spread of this contagion, the Lich King recruited a powerful ally in the ambitious mage Kel'Thuzad, a senior member of Dalaran's ruling council.
Under the Lich King's watchful gaze, Kel'Thuzad created the Cult of the Damned, a group of humans to whom he promised social equality and eternal life on Azeroth. The cultists spread the plague throughout Lordaeron's northern villages, amassing a host of mindless undead. Kel'Thuzad looked upon the growing army and named it the Scourge, for at the Lich King's whim it would surely scour humanity from the face of the world.
Chapter 2
The Claiming of Frostmourne
The archmage Antonidas suspected that the undead plague was magical in origin, and so he sent the sorceress Jaina Proudmoore to the northlands to investigate. With her went Prince Arthas Menethil, only son of King Terenas. Jaina and Arthas tracked down and killed the Lich King's servant, Kel'Thuzad, but the necromancer's death failed to halt the rise of the Scourge. As the battle against the undead wore on, the prince's faith and patience began to wane.
Joined by the legendary paladin Uther the Lightbringer, Arthas and Jaina nevertheless arrived at the gates of Stratholme too late to stop the distribution of plague-ridden grain. Arthas realized that the innocent villagers would inevitably join the growing ranks of undead. He ordered Uther to purge the town and slaughter the civilians before they could become minions of the Scourge. When Uther refused, Arthas accused the veteran knight of treason and disbanded the Order of the Silver Hand. Uther and most of his remaining cavalry left the village in disgust, and Jaina, horrified by Arthas' decision, abandoned the prince as well.
Despite the loss of his supporting forces, Arthas carried out his plan, putting the city's innocents to the blade and burning every remaining structure to the ground. Something in Arthas snapped that day, and as he walked away from Stratholme, he left much of his humanity in the flaming ruins.
The prince then dedicated himself to stopping the Scourge at all costs. In time he traced the source of the plague to Northrend. With a heavy heart and steadfast determination, the prince set out for the snowy roof of the world. In Northrend Arthas was surprised to find an old friend, the dwarf Muradin Bronzebeard. Muradin had been searching for a blade renowned to have legendary powers: the blade called Frostmourne. Arthas resolved to seek out the enchanted blade and wield it against the Scourge. However, at Uther's urging, King Terenas soon recalled Arthas and his troops. Before the expedition could set sail for home, Arthas secretly hired indigenous mercenaries to burn the ships. Leading his troops to the ships, Arthas feigned surprise and ordered his bitterly disappointed soldiers to hunt down and kill the mercenaries.
Arthas then scoured the desolate wastes for what he believed was the key to his people's salvation. In time Muradin and Arthas discovered Frostmourne and read the foreboding inscription on its pedestal. The inscription warned that Frostmourne's wielder would indeed gain power eternal, but at a cost: "Just as the blade rends flesh, so must power scar the spirit." Despite the warning and Muradin's protests, Arthas swore that he would pay any price to possess the blade.
At the prince's reckless urging, Frostmourne freed itself from the ice in which it was encased, in the process taking Muradin's life. Arthas seized the blade, which destroyed what little remained of his humanity. The prince could not have guessed that the Lich King was the blade's true master, nor could he have known that in addition to Kil'jaeden's enchantments, Frostmourne possessed an ability that had been bestowed by Ner'zhul: the ability to steal the souls of the living.
With Frostmourne in hand and a growing darkness in his heart, Arthas wandered into the frozen wastes to answer the call of his new master...
Chapter 3
Shattering the Frozen Throne
All of Lordaeron rejoiced at Prince Arthas' triumphant return from Northrend, but their elation was not to last. Not long after Arthas knelt before King Terenas, the former paladin thrust Frostmourne into his father's heart. At the Lich King's command, the fallen prince went on to murder his mentor, Uther the Lightbringer, and claim Kel'Thuzad's remains. When Arthas had finished, Capital City, formerly one of humanity's crown jewels, had been reduced to a silent wasteland of death and despair.
The death knight Arthas then marched his ever-growing army of the undead into the forests of Quel'Thalas, slaughtering the elves in his path as he smashed through the gates of Silvermoon. Arthas laid claim to the legendary Sunwell, using its powers to raise Kel'Thuzad as a lich and leaving the high elven lands utterly devastated in his wake.
Kel'Thuzad in turn opened a gateway to usher in Archimonde, a powerful demon lord of the Burning Legion. Upon his arrival Archimonde declared that the Lich King's usefulness had reached an end. While Archimonde pursued the Legion's goals, Arthas traveled to the continent of Kalimdor. There he met and advised Illidan Stormrage, a powerful demon hunter whose interests aligned with those of the Lich King.
The Third War ended with Archimonde's demise, and Legion forces on Azeroth were scattered in the wake of his death. Arthas returned to Lordaeron, where he was assailed by painful visions that he learned were a sign of the Lich King's weakening power. The death knight journeyed back to Northrend and was confronted by an army of elves: survivors of the Scourge invasion of Quel'Thalas. The elves had joined forces with Illidan Stormrage in order to march on the Frozen Throne. The crypt lord Anub'arak arrived and guided Arthas into a series of ancient tunnels that allowed the pair to reach the Lich King quickly.
Arthas emerged from the subterranean caverns to face one final challenger barring his path: Illidan Stormrage, who had become a demon. Illidan engaged the death knight in single combat, Frostmourne clashing against Illidan's Twin Blades of Azzinoth. Ultimately the demon was left bloodied in the snow as Arthas advanced, undeterred by the voices of the past echoing in his head, warning him against the action he was about to take.
Some say that Arthas was still in control of his own actions when he ascended the steps of the Frozen Throne; others claim that he had been the Lich King's creature ever since taking up Frostmourne. Whatever the case, a single voice stood out in the death knight's mind as he reached the runic armor encased in ice. "Return the blade," commanded the Lich King. "Complete the circle. Release me from this prison!" With a roar, Arthas brought Frostmourne down, shattering the Frozen Throne. He then donned Ner'zhul's helm, sealing his union with the Lich King.
The Lich King waits now, scheming to lure adventurers down the same dark path that Arthas tread. Frostmourne hungers for the souls of both the brave and the foolish, and somewhere Ner'zhul's voice still echoes within the helm of the Lich King.
"Now, we are one."

joi, 13 martie 2008

and The Burning Crusade

World of warcraft e un joc super fain(MMORPG),are 9 milioane de jucatori si este creat de Blizzard.Blizzard a mai creat si Starcraft, warcraft3 Diablo 2 si alte jocuri.World of warcraft este un joc foarte bine facut ,cu NPC-uri(adik nu jucatorii).World of warcarft are 10 rase si 9 clase :Allianta-human,dwarf,gnome,night elf+draenei,Hoarda-orc,troll,undead,tauren+Blood elf .Clasele sunt:warrior,rougue,mage,shaman,paladin,warlock,priest,druid si hunter

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Mount Hyjal and Illidan's gift

Mount Hyjal and Illidan's Gift

The few night elves that survived the horrific explosion rallied together on crudely made rafts and slowly made their way to the only landmass in sight. Somehow, by the grace of Elune, Malfurion, Tyrande, and Cenarius had survived the Great Sundering. The weary heroes agreed to lead their fellow survivors and establish a new home for their people. As they journeyed in silence, they surveyed the wreckage of their world and realized that their passions had wrought the destruction all around them. Though Sargeras and his Legion had been ripped from the world by the Well's destruction, Malfurion and his companions were left to ponder the terrible cost of victory.
There were many Highborne who did survive the cataclysm unscathed. They made their way to the shores of the new land along with the other night elves. Though Malfurion mistrusted the Highborne's motivations, he was satisfied that they could cause no real mischief without the Well's energies.
As the weary mass of night elves landed upon the shores of the new land, they found that the holy mountain, Hyjal, had survived the catastrophe. Seeking to establish a new home for themselves, Malfurion and the night elves climbed the slopes of Hyjal and reached its windswept summit. As they descended into the wooded bowl, nestled between the mountain's enormous peaks, they found a small, tranquil lake. To their horror, they found that the lake's waters had been fouled by magic.
Illidan, having survived the Sundering as well, had reached Hyjal summit long before Malfurion and the night elves. In his mad bid to maintain the flows of magic in the world, Illidan had poured his vials, which contained the precious waters from the Well of Eternity, into the mountain lake. The Well's potent energies quickly ignited and coalesced into a new Well of Eternity. The exultant Illidan, believing that the new Well was a gift to future generations, was shocked when Malfurion hunted him down. Malfurion explained to his brother that magic was innately chaotic and that its use would inevitably lead to widespread corruption and strife. Still, Illidan refused to relinquish his magical powers.
Knowing full well where Illidan's ruthless schemes would eventually lead, Malfurion decided to deal with his power-crazed brother once and for all. With Cenarius' help, Malfurion sealed Illidan within a vast underground barrow prison, where he would remain chained and powerless until the end of time. To ensure his brother's containment, Malfurion empowered the young warden, Maiev Shadowsong, to be Illidan's personal jailor.
Concerned that destroying the new Well might bring about an even greater catastrophe, the night elves resolved to leave it be. However, Malfurion declared that they would never practice the arts of magic again. Under Cenarius' watchful eye, they began to study the ancient arts of druidism that would enable them to heal the ravaged earth and re-grow their beloved forests at the base of Mount Hyjal.